Tag Archives: Detox

6 Tips to avoid holiday weight gain

It is easy to pick up 1kg to 3 kg on a hol­i­day. We typ­i­cal­ly drink more sug­ary or alco­holic drinks than usu­al and we con­sume a lot more sug­ary, starchy and/or fat­ty foods than nor­mal while exer­cis­ing very lit­tle.   Sur­veys have shown that most peo­ple will nev­er lose all the weight they gained over a hol­i­day, and these kilos add up yearly.

So here are my tips and sug­ges­tions to keep weight gain to a min­i­mum this fes­tive season:

1 – Add healthy side dish­es to all unhealthy meals. Offer to bring a sal­ad or veg­etable side dish to all events you are invit­ed to this hol­i­day. Dish up a big help­ing of healthy foods on offer and keep the por­tions of unhealthy foods to a minimum.

2- Plan your num­ber of alco­holic bev­er­ages before each event. Spread these out through the whole evening and drink water and sparkling water in between. Alco­holic bev­er­ages have a stag­ger­ing amount of calo­ries in them, even more so when they have sug­ary mix­ers. Try to stick to wine and spir­its e.g. whiskey and water.

3 – Have fruit on hand to snack on instead of crisps.

4 – Nev­er go to events hun­gry and with­out healthy snacks. If you get too hun­gry you are much more like­ly to eat too much and eat the wrong things. An apple of a few almonds stashed away could save the day.

5- Down­load a pedome­ter App onto your smart­phone to count your dai­ly steps helps and to keep track of your dai­ly activ­i­ty lev­el. I sug­gest Fit­Bit for Apple and Moves for android. Make exer­cise part of every day of your hol­i­day. Go for long walks on the beach, walk to the shops instead of dri­ving and keep up your usu­al exer­cise activities.

6- Detox one day a week. Have plen­ty of fresh fruit, raw veg­gies and eas­i­ly digestible pro­tein e.g. fish. Snack on almonds in between meals and drink at least 2 litres of water per day while stay­ing off caf­feine, alco­hol, sug­ar and starch.

Keep Well,

Dr Jana